In the frame of the project “Small Wind Turbine Optimization and Market Promotion” (SWTOMP), Dr. Javier de la Cruz led a workshop on Small Wind Turbines at the Universidad del Mar in Huatulco (Mexico) from June 25 to 27, 2018.
Event schedule:
Plenary session 1: Small wind energy development in the last 30 years. Felix Avia, CIEMAT
Plenary session 2: Renewable hybrid systems. Luis Arribas, CIEMAT
Plenary session 3: Measurement of the power curve of small wind turbines. Juan Pablo, INTI
Plenary session 4: Development, validation, and application of a CFD-based wind turbine simulation model. Gabriel Usera, UdelaR
Plenary Session 5: Experiences on small wind energy in Mexico, Challenges and opportunities. Sebastián Ramírez, INSOLAR GROUP.
Plenary session 6: Wind maps for small wind turbines in Mexico. Ricardo Saldaña, INEEL
Plenary Session 7: Economic evaluation of SWT projects in Mexico. Aideé Zamora, INEEL
Plenary Session 8: Actions of the Mexican Center for Innovation in Wind Energy. José M. Franco, CEMIE-Eóllico
Plenary Session 9: Presentation of the Oaxaca Energy Cluster. Luis A. Calderón, Oaxaca Energy Cluster
Plenary Session 10: Opportunities for small wind turbines in the new electricity market. Applicable regulatory framework. Marcelino Madrigal
More information on the SWTOMP project website.
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